The effects and risks of Tranquilisers

Tranquilisers relievers anxiety and tension, so users experience a feeling of calm which slows them down. High doses can make users drowsy and forgetful.

Tranquilisers are dangerous mixed with alcohol or other drugs.

Regular use can damage short-term memory and reduce energy. 

Almost all tranquillisers are addictive. Withdrawal symptoms include depression, insomnia and panic attacks.

Tranquilisers and the law

Tranquillisers are prescription-only medicines, which are controlled under Class C of the Misuse of Drugs Act. 

It's illegal to possess benzodiazepines, including temazepam, without a prescription. Unauthorised possession could result in a prison sentence of up to two years and/or an unlimited fine. 

Supplying, which includes giving some to your friends, could mean up to 14 years in prison and/or an unlimited fine.

Remember: Having a criminal record can make it difficult for you to get a job or visa if you want to travel abroad.